Why I Ask All the Questions // Jackson Family

say hello to one of the kindest families I know

Let’s start with how I’ve come to know this family. This is the Jackson family! Bevin is a hoot and such an inspiration as a mama. Bevin is a 7th grade teacher and just so happens to work along side of my handsome husband. When we found out we were pregnant with Ezra, she began making random stops by Ben’s classroom to gift us items that her toddler had outgrown. When I say items, I literally mean every item you could possibly need. To say she is a blessing is a complete understatement. Dan + Bevin are confident, nurturing, and selfless in their love for their two children and it was evident during our session.

If you talk with my clients, they’ll tell you that I ask lots of questions during the shoot. Yes! That may make some of you uncomfortable. But I love getting to know my clients! The “getting to know you” doesn’t stop at our consultation. It continues before the shoot, during the shoot, and the relationship continues after the shoot as well. Questions make your portraits authentic and personable and they allow me to see your raw emotion. The raw emotion is what clients will value when they look back on their portraits years from the session.

Here’s a recap of one of the questions I asked Bevin + Dan at our session: I was gearing up to shoot a few portraits of Bevin + Dan together by themselves (these opportunities are so rare for parents with small kiddos!). I asked them a simple question, “What was your most significant moment of 2018?” Dan’s response was quick and unapologetic, “for it to be over”. Bevin shook her head in agreement and I captured their exchange as they looked at each other with understanding in their eyes. It was a tough response and, I would imagine, even tougher to endure as the Jackson family. Yes, they will look back on 2018 and remember the valleys they faced together but they will look back at these portraits and see their constant compassion for each other during the valley. The valley that allowed them to press in to each other and allowed them to grow together.

The outcome of the question is why I ask the question. The compassion that is captured is my aim. The embrace that is almost always warranted as a loved one listens to the response is my brand.

Lyndsey Hermance