The Divine Call for Lyndsey Jane Photography | Who are we?

Two years ago, I would have never imagined the impact we’d be making in so many clients lives. Did I dream of this business growing and impacting so many sweet couples and families? Absolutely. Did I understand the capacity in which I’d be transformed by these moments? Absolutely not. We’re approaching two years of stepping out in faith to capture authentic moments and I still feel we’ve been lacking authenticity in one area: sharing our story.


the start of a dream

Lyndsey Jane Photography was a hope. Ben & I welcomed our sweet Ezra into the outside world and prayed for an opportunity for me to be home with him full-time. We didn’t know how we would manage financially or emotionally, but we knew God would make a way. To be fully honest, we felt isolated in the city we lived in and we lacked community during this stage. We needed an out, but didn’t know where we’d find it. I’ve always been a dreamer and a free-spirit, but it feels daunting to dream big dreams like leaving a stable career in Social Work to start running a business (with no business background, may I add) when you have a tiny human you’re entrusted to provide for. With no experience, I decided to step out. To go for it. To try a creative endeavor that God was preparing me for. To say a hesitant “yes”. To choose a creative career that is the passion I didn’t know I needed.

the beginning stages

Behind every dream there is a why. I was always that (somewhat annoying) girl that had a camera on hand. Whether it was a polaroid camera, my first crappy digital camera, my iphone, or my trusty Nikon, I always had a camera on hand. I never wanted to miss a moment and wanted to have tangible images to carry those memories with me. The quality of some of those portraits are well, sub-par (see above), but the quality of the memories are timeless. Ben and I have every trip and adventure documented throughout our dating relationship all the way to our now married life and I can’t wait to show Ezra his heritage one day. To show how much his daddy and mommy loved each other even from the beginning as a 19 & 20-year-old. For him to connect to the emotion we were expressing. That is the beauty of having physical snapshots of memories.


making a dream a reality

Our hope become a reality in the fall of 2018 and I started shooting anything & everything. I didn’t know what I was doing at first, but followed God’s direction and shot anything & everything in hopes that God would use me. I loved capturing moments & I adored people so I didn’t limit myself to a particular category. I shot families in all different kinds of seasons, births & little kiddos meeting their baby siblings for the first time, couples, and shot my first solo wedding within a year of launching. It was the best kind of madness, y’all. God had better plans and all he asked was for me to love others through my giftings. We prayed over our business for 2020 and decided to limit our sessions to wedding & family photography in order to best serve and love on our clients. Ben jumped on board as my second shooter & it’s a genuine joyfulness to be doing what I love with the man I love. He has a special way in bringing his unique strengths to the table and I’ve loved having his insight and encouragement so near. Were we crazy to jump at this dream? Heck yes. Are we thanking Jesus every day for this business now that we’ve jumped? Abso-freaking-lutely.

genuine connectedness matters

Here we are, two years later, shooting moments that matter. Moments that are genuine and not rushed. Even on the busiest day of your life, your wedding day, we are passionate about you connecting with your loved ones, your spouse, and your surroundings. It’s not just another shoot or wedding to us. It’s a day full of connection and we treasure it as so. We ask genuine questions to our couples so they can have the freedom to think, feel, and express on their day. We have a unique story and purpose behind our passion and we will always treat your story as the unique experience that it is. Connection matters and we will always strive to continually connect to your story.

portrait by Taylor Jones Photography

portrait by Taylor Jones Photography

Our story is… well, ours! And I wouldn’t trade it. All of the fears and the valleys. All of the mountains and special moments entrusted to us. Our story wouldn’t be possible without your stories so thank you. Thank you for saying yes to a passionate duo who truly values your moments. We couldn’t have predicted the way the Lord would bless us through our clients and our business. All the thanks to you for taking a chance on genuine connection through photography. We know it’s different, we know it’s not the norm, but connection is what matters and we thank you for jumping on board.

We cherish you & look forward in anticipation of how God will bless us!

Lyndsey Hermance